The bird migration has made Point Island world-famous. Here are a few Pelee Island bird images from our Discover Pelee Pinterest page.
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Spring migration at Pelee Island begins as early as the end of January with the arrival of the Horned Larks. Then come the waterfowl: the ducks, geese, and swans. By the end of the March, many species of birds are making their appearance, including Common Flickers, Tree Swallows, Hermit Thrushes, Winter Wrens and Bonaparteís Gulls, to mention a few. April sees the arrival of not only more birds, but a broadening of the variety of species as well: the early shorebirds, the herons, more swallows, a variety of woodpeckers, a smattering of rails, sparrows, some hawk species, more thrushes and the first warblers.
Despite all this exciting spring action, Pelee Island is best known for its songbird migration. In a typical year, the arrival of these birds moves into full swing in late April or early May, with its peak sometime towards the third week of May. The vociferous warblers are the highlight of the colorful songbird migration, considered by some as the “butterflies of the bird world”. During the peak of the migration, seeing more than 100 species a day is the rule, rather than the exception, for experienced birders.